Effects of Self-Efficacy Effects of Mindset Effects of Mastery Orientation Effects of Anxiety Levels


How strong is your self-efficacy?
What type of mindset do you have?
What is your goal orientation?
How high is your anxiety in school?

Key Motivation Tips to Remember

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  • Make learning personal
  • Remind yourself that you can do it
  • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth
  • Find value in coursework

Ways to Reduce Your Test Anxiety

There are several strategies that you can use to help decrease your level of anxiety in performance situations.

Improve Your Goal Orientation

There are several strategies that you can use to help develop a mastery goal orientation.

Improve Your Mindset

Below are different strategies to enhance your skill in creating a growth mindset.

Improve Your Self-Efficacy

Below are several different strategies for enhancing your self-efficacy or confidence in completing school activities, such as writing a paper, studying for a test, or completing homework assignments.